Professor Ed Cairns
    Ed Cairns

Professor Ed Cairns will lecture on the subject of "Psychology and Power-Sharing. "

His lecture will take place on Tuesday September 25, 2007, at 12:00PM in the PPEC Conference Room, Suite 305 St. Leonard's Court, 3rd Floor (map - 3819-31 Chestnut Street).

To listen to an audio recording of Professor Cairns' lecture, please click here, or go to to subscribe to the podcast.


Professor Cairns is currently with the University of Ulster, Coleraine Campus. His research has primarily focused on the psychological aspects of political violence in relation to conflict in Northern Ireland, inter-group contact, peace psychology, and more recently on the impact of political violence on children and adults.

He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, the American Psychological Association, and was formerly the President of the Division of Peace Psychology. He is currently leading the Peace and Conflict Research Group at the University of Ulster, which addresses issues related to cross-community contact, sectarian attitudes and forgiveness in Northern Ireland. This work brings together cutting-edge theorising on intergroup relations with sophisticated methodology to illustrate how psychology can contribute to improving life for the citizens of Northern Ireland and more generally address the pressing global problem of intergroup conflict. Currently the work of the Conflict and Peace Research group is being funded by the ESRC (UK), The Russell Sage Foundation, the Community Relations Council (NI) and Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, Northern Ireland.

Professor Cairns can be contacted at or through the the Department of Psychology at the University of Ulster.

Selected Publications:

Tausch, N., Hewstone, M., Kenworthy, J., Cairns, E., & Christ, O. 2007. "Cross-community contact, perceived status differences, and intergroup attitudes in Northern Ireland : The mediating roles of individual-level verus group-level threats and the moderating role of social identification," in Political Psychology, 8(1): pp.53-68.

Tam, T., Hewstone, M., Cairns, E., Tausch, N., Maio, G., & Kenworthy, J. 2007. "The impact of intergroup emotions on forgiveness in Northern Ireland," in Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 10(1): pp.119-136

Hewstone, M., Cairns, Voci, A., Paolini, S., McLernon, F., Crisp, R., & Niens, U.
2005. "Intergroup contact in a divided society: Challenging segregation in Northern Ireland." In D. Abrams, J. M. Marques, & M.A. Hogg (Eds.), The social psychology of inclusion and exclusion. (Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press). pp. 265-292.

Crisp, R., Hewstone, M., Cairns, E. 2001. "Multiple identities in Northern Ireland: Hierarchical ordering in the representation of group membership," in British Journal of Social Psychology 40: pp.501-514

© 2007 Penn Program in Ethnic Conflict
School of Arts &Sciences | University of Pennsylvania | Political Science Department